In the third group of Atmatattva, the first is prakRtitattva. This is a state of equilibrium of the three guNa-s viz satva, rajas and tamas which is collectively termed as citta. PrakRtitattva is the gross manifestation of the creation and is the primal substance.
Here it should be understood that the triguNa-s are nothing but the transformation (pariNAma) of icchA, JjAna & kriyA shakti-s. In the state of equilibrium called prakRtitattva exists the potential of creation of the grosser elements. Just as the icchA JjAna kriyA shakti-s exist in a subtle form called “shAntAshakti” in the absolute being and each of the trishakti-s spur the absolute being to manifest as causal elements, in a similar manner, the triguNa-s exist in a state of equilibrium viz “citta” in the prakRtitattva. The triguNa-s each in turn due to their influence make the 3 antaHkaraNa-s namely ahaMkAra, buddhi and manas to manifest and further the manifestation of other gross elements.
Out of the triguNa-s, due to the influence of the icchAshakti when the rajoguNa dominates the other two guNa-s such a state is known as ahaMkAratattva which is the conception of individuality or individuation.
Due to the influence of the JjAnashakti when the satvaguNa dominates the other two which are in a subdued state, then it is called as buddhitattva which helps in determination.
Due to the tamoguNa when the kriyAshakti is predominant such a state is called the “manastattva” which is capable of volition or sankalpa.
There is a general understanding that out of the triguNa-s, the sattvaguNa makes a person “sAttvika” and therefore desirable and the other two are undesirable. This is a misconception which stems from an incorrect understanding of the tattva-s. It should be understood that if the rajoguNa creates the urge for any activity, the sattvaguNa gives it direction and sustains it and the tamoguNa acts as a check. So adequate “checks & balances” are inherent in nature’s creation. What is therefore desirable is a balanced state of the guNa-s and not any one guNa alone.
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